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Districts of Vienna

1. Innere Stadt
2. Leopoldstadt
3. Landstraße
4. Wieden
5. Margareten
6. Mariahilf
7. Neubau
8. Josefstadt
9. Alsergrund
10. Favoriten
11. Simmering
12. Meidling
13. Hietzing
14. Penzing
15. Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus
16. Ottakring
17. Hernals
18. Währing
19. Döbling
20. Brigittenau
21. Floridsdorf
22. Donaustadt
23. Liesing

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On request we will send you detailed information about real estate in Austria. Due to our exclusively Russian speaking customers, both presentations are available only in Russian. If you need certain information in English, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to answer all your questions.

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